Three Common Injuries that Can Result from Motorcycle Accidents in Augusta

motorcycle accident

A motorcycle may provide you with an exciting ride; however, it comes with a risk. Accidents that involve motorcycles can be life-changing and deadly. Victims can end up with serious injuries that may require ongoing medical care and treatment. 

Because a motorcycle lacks protection and stability, an accident that involves it usually leads to severe injuries. Even if you wear protective gear, you may still sustain devastating injuries. In addition, motorcycle riders are usually ignored by other motorists, making them more prone to accidents. If you have been seriously injured in a motorcycle crash, contact an Augusta motorcycle lawyer as soon as possible to have your case evaluated. The following are common injuries suffered in a motorcycle accident:

Traumatic Brain Injuries

This injury can take place because of different reasons, including a motorcycle accident. It can happen when your motorcycle collides with another. If your cranium is struck forcefully, your skull may break or crack, leading to brain bleeding and swelling. This results in a traumatic brain injury or TBI. A TBI can present different signs and symptoms that can last for a long time. These symptoms include headaches, memory loss, lightheadedness, sadness, and impaired vision. 

A TBI can seriously affect your life. You may experience cognitive, physical, and emotional challenges that impact your ability to carry out everyday tasks, socialize, and work. In serious cases, a TBI can result in permanent disability or death. Usually, your recovery is long and hard and involves ongoing treatment, cognitive therapy, and rehabilitation. 

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Seek immediate medical attention after a motorcycle accident, especially if you have head injuries. Reaching out to an attorney who specializes in motorcycle crashes is also necessary. 

Spinal Cord Injury

This injury happens when your spinal cord is damaged and presents symptoms such as paralysis, breathing issues, and loss of sensation. It can vary in seriousness based on facts such as the amount of damage and its location. Sometimes, a spinal cord injury can lead to permanent paralysis, which can devastate your life and make it hard or impossible to work or enjoy activities. 

If you have sustained serious injuries in a motorcycle accident, consult an attorney as soon as possible. This attorney can explain your legal options, help you pursue full compensation for damages, navigate the legal process, and work with medical experts to make sure you get proper treatment. The compensation you may get can cover your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. 

Facial Injuries

Facial injuries can be minor cuts and bruises or severe fractures and disfigurement. Aside from physical discomfort and pain, they also lead to emotional distress that can impact your quality of life. Facial injuries have long-term effects that can be expensive and require constant care and treatment. Your treatment may include surgery. Recovery from these injuries can be long and difficult. 

To ensure you do not end up suffering from the effects of facial injuries, seek medical attention right away. Also, reach out to an attorney to ensure you are not left with an empty wallet. 

No matter the injury you suffer from, seek guidance from an attorney from a reputable law firm. A good attorney understands the effects of a motorcycle accident. They are committed to offering aggressive legal representation to ensure you get the compensation you need. You can rely on them when it comes to related tasks such as collecting vital evidence, handling talks with an insurance company, and negotiating a fair settlement with an insurer. They are aware of the common tactics that insurance companies use when dealing with claims. They will protect you against these tactics, ensuring you cannot be taken advantage of.