Ask Someone in Earnest NYT: Let’s Solve NYT Puzzles With Tips

Ask Someone in Earnest NYT

Were you also stumped by the Ask Someone in Earnest NYT from the New York Times Mini Crossword?

If you are, then let’s solve it together and understand how the answers come to be.

Crossword puzzles tickle your brain and make it move much more actively. There is a certain fun and a feeling of accomplishment in solving puzzles. Sometimes the clues are so foreign and the puzzle is so hard that we need extra help. And that is okay and that is why we are here to help.

Let’s do a detailed explanation of the Ask Someone in Earnest NYT clue and also understand some tips that you can use to solve other puzzles.


Explanation of the Clue Ask Someone in Earnest NYT

Ask Someone in Earnest NYT is a clue that appears in the New York Mini Crossword on the 27th of April 2024. This is a clue that challenges your vocabulary and word knowledge. But with a little research, you will get the answer instantly.


To understand how the answer comes to be, let us first understand the words given in the clue.


  • Resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction
  • A thing intended or regarded as a sign or promise of what is to come


  • Unspecified person, some person.


  • Ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something.

When we break down the meaning of the words like this, the clue Ask Someone in Earnest NYT becomes something that is very easy to solve. And like such if you often solve crossword puzzles, many of the puzzles will become much easier to solve. So, let us go through some of how you can make solving puzzles easier.

Tips for Solving Puzzles 

If you are someone who is just starting out in solving crossword puzzles, then these tips will be very helpful for you. Mainly, if you have an interest in solving New York Times puzzles, then you must know these tips.

  • Start Easy

Do you know that the New York Times Puzzles follow a certain pattern? The Monday Puzzle is the easiest and it gets harder from day to day after that. But mind you, the Sunday puzzles are not the hardest rather the Saturday puzzles are the ones to look out for.

And Ask Someone in Earnest NYT clue was a Saturday puzzle, so if you get the answer by yourself then well done. But even if you do not get it, don’t worry as it was for a reason.

The Monday puzzles are straightforward and the clues will lead you straight to the answer. While the Saturday puzzle rather has twists and wordplay that are hard to figure out. So you should start by doing Monday puzzles and when you have mastered this, you can move on to the Tuesday puzzle and go on from there. If you do this, by the time you reach Sunday you will have no problem solving all the puzzles.

  • “Gimmes”

When you start solving a puzzle first fill in all the easy answers. You know the answers that you can get instantly, fill those in quickly. This will help you fill in hard answers later on but not only that, it will also give you confidence that you can solve everything from then on.

My suggestion will be to fill out the fill-in-the-blanks first. Fill-in-the-blanks are the easiest because it is definite and once you get the correct answer, there is no need to change anymore.

  • Flexibility  

When you get one answer from a clue, please be flexible and keep your mind open. Some clues can lead to multiple answers and you have to choose the answer that fits your puzzle the best. It is hard to keep this flexibility while studying all the clues, but this is a must if you want to complete the puzzle. Please consider all the answers possible from certain clues in every puzzle you solve.

  • Experience

Practice will really make a difference and puzzles will get easier with each one you solve. This is because when you solve a clue or a certain type of puzzle, I promise you that you will come across such puzzles later on as well. When this happens, such puzzles will be much easier for you to solve. Now imagine, if you are familiar with hundreds of clues and puzzles, won’t it become significantly easier? Believe me, clues like Ask Someone in Earnest NYT will become a piece of cake.

  • Solving with Friends

Puzzles are fun activity and some of you may prefer doing it at an alone time. But if you are someone who is social and have friends who have similar interests, then you might consider playing together. Like how you know certain subjects very well, your friend will also know certain subjects very well. This means that if you combine your knowledge, it will be much easier to understand and solve the clue together.

  • Feel Free to Look Up What you Don’t Know

Remember that when you look up certain answers, it is learning and not cheating. If you get stuck at a point or certain clues like Ask Someone in Earnest NYT, don’t be scared to look up the answer. Learn from the answer you get and carry on from that. The next time you solve a puzzle, you will get more confident, and your knowledge bank more vast.

Related Article: The Sound of an Angry Grunt NYT: Crossword puzzle clues & answers!


If you come across clues like Ask Someone in Earnest NYT and if you have some confusion visit our page to get the answer. And if you are someone who can solve almost all the puzzles, then great come, please sit back and enjoy what you have solved, 

Crossword puzzles are meant for entertainment but it comes with many benefits. So, if your hobby is solving puzzles like the New York Times, then please keep it up. It will not only increase your vocabulary and knowledge bank but it will also make your mind more sharp and active.